…into the most excellent harmonies

I spent almost two hours today, it seemed like a full day, at the DMV. Our church was given a truck and trailer for use in our Food Ministry. I had to record a “name change” on the titles and secure license plates. It reminded me of a little of what brides go through when… Read more »

Pulling Together

My wife had a doctor appointment this morning. After she was situated and while she was undergoing a procedure, I ran a few errands.  The first involved visiting the County Recorder. I’m so accustomed to one particular employee that I still haven’t adjusted to his retirement. This morning served as one more reminder of how… Read more »

Probable Sexism

Believing that accurate awareness is a precursor to positive change, I value the writings of Megan McArdle. I recommend Megan’s article about Jill Abramson being fired from her job as executive editor of the New York Times. Less than three years ago Arthur Sulzberger Jr., the publisher and chairman of the company, determined that she… Read more »

Speech-Making at Weddings

Whoa, you may say, is this going to turn into preaching? Of course not. I don’t “preach” at weddings. Two keys for wedding speeches (both in the ceremony and at the reception): keep them short! Keep everything centered on the wedding couple. Love and commitment, yes, but specifically they, are the focus of this day…. Read more »

Welcome !!!

I’m a pastor. That may not be familiar to you, and I understand the discomfort this may cause. Pastors are supposed to be unlike most people. This is an unwritten rule, and I believe pastors are mostly to blame for it. We expect ourselves to be pillars of strength and wisdom. Often we are. But life is complex and… Read more »